Ngulik 2nd Episode - Portrait of the Population of Sidoarjo Regency in 2020 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sidoarjo Regency

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Ngulik 2nd Episode - Portrait of the Population of Sidoarjo Regency in 2020

Ngulik 2nd Episode - Portrait of the Population of Sidoarjo Regency in 2020

September 16, 2021 | Other Activities

Population is an issue that is always interesting to discuss. Themed Population Portrait of Sidoarjo Regency in 2020, the second episode of Ngulik, Thursday, September 16, 2021, was broadcast again, guided by Mr. Panjiharto, along with statisticians from the Social Statistics Function of BPS-Statistics of Sidoarjo Regency, Mrs. Tri Febriani Widyawati, S.T. and Mrs. Eka Fauziah Rahmawati.
The Social Statistics function is one of the functions at BPS Sidoarjo Regency which is in charge of carrying out population statistics, people's welfare, and social security activities, including the big agenda of BPS every ten years known as the 2020 Population Census.

Like a shop, the Population Census activity is a stock taking activity, counting the number of people living in Sidoarjo Regency during the data collection period. From the 2020 Population Census which was conducted 2 (two) times, online in March 2020 and interviews in September 2020, data on the population of Sidoarjo Regency 2020 was obtained as much as 2.082.801 people, an increase of 141.304 people or 7,27 percent compared to the 2010 Population Census, with details of the male population as many as 1.048.574 people and the female population as many as 1.034.227 people (gender ratio of 101). In addition, it is also known that with an area of ​​714,27 sq km, the population density in Sidoarjo Regency is 2.916 people for every sq km.

What is special in the 2020 Population Census data collection is that there are detailed questions to determine the suitability of the KK/KTP address with the residential address, where these variables can be used as initial identification of migration calculations. And based on the results of the 2020 Population Census, there are 262.457 people or 12,60 percent of the population whose place of residence is different from the address recorded on the KK/KTP.

Furthermore, if classified by generation, there is a dominance of the millennial generation in Sidoarjo Regency, which is 25,77 percent. The millennial generation itself is a group of residents born in 1981 to 1996, or those aged 24 to 39 years in 2020. Followed by Generation Z (born in 1997-2012 or aged 8-23 years in 2020) of 24,87 percent. While the least is the Pre-Boomer Generation, grandparents of the Millennial Generation, aged over 75 years, by 1,41 percent.

Looking at the dependency ratio, apparently there are signs that Sidoarjo Regency is heading towards a demographic bonus. It is proven by the data from the 2020 Population Census that in 2020, every 100 productive age population in Sidoarjo Regency will bear the burden of 39 people of productive age, of which the productive age is 15-64 years old and the non-productive age is 0-14 years old and 65 years and over.
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