Ngulik 3rd Episode - Getting to Know Variety of Agricultural Statistics - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sidoarjo Regency

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Ngulik 3rd Episode - Getting to Know Variety of Agricultural Statistics

Ngulik 3rd Episode - Getting to Know Variety of Agricultural Statistics

September 23, 2021 | Other Activities

Thursday, September 23th, 2021, BPS Sidoarjo Regency became a source person of 3rd chapter Ngulik Talkshow. Still with Suara Sidoarjo Radio, Ngulik this time raised the theme 'Knowing the Variety of Agricultural Statistics'. Yup, one of the basic statistics produced by BPS is about Agricultural Statistics. The implementation of various agricultural statistical activities is under the coordination of the Production Statistics Function. Several agricultural statistical surveys conducted by the BPS of Sidoarjo Regency include tiles, KSA (Area Sample Framework), horticulture, plantations, and livestock.
The tile survey is a survey that aims to obtain information on the productivity (yield per hectare) of food crop commodities (rice and secondary crops). While the supporting information obtained from the tiles is the coordinates of the location of the tiles, the type of land, the method of planting, the jajar legowo planting system (specifically for rice), the types of activities to increase production, the number of seeds used, the types of seed varieties used (specifically for rice and corn), the number of fertilizers used, and so on. The frequency of conducting this survey is 3 times a year, which is termed a subround. Where the period of subround 1 is January s.d. April, subround 2 is May to. August, and subround 3 is September s.d. December. Each subround produces an estimate that is representative of the district (according to the program area administered by the Ministry of Agriculture if the information is available).
The second survey on agricultural statistics conducted at the Sidoarjo Regency BPS is the Area Sample Framework, or KSA. Each KSA field officer will observe 9 observation points in each segment. The total target segment in East Java Province is 3.863 segments, and the total number of observation points in December 2019 visited by officers was 34.767 observation points. Based on the KSA survey, it is known that in 2020, rice production in Sidoarjo Regency is 209 thousand tons of GKG, or a decrease of 10,94 compared to 2019. The next agricultural survey is the Horticultural Agricultural Survey (SPH), where the sources of information include, and reports from farmers/farmer groups, use of seeds, eye estimates, and other sources such as traders, associations, and cooperatives. Next, the last but not the last agricultural survey, is the livestock and plantation survey. The plantation survey aims to obtain information on plantation crops such as harvested area, planted area, and production of plantation commodities as a basis for policy making. The sample of this survey is a sample of sugarcane companies in Sidoarjo. While the livestock survey is a survey that aims to obtain
information on livestock commodities, such as the production of livestock slaughter, the number of livestock carried, livestock ownership, and others as a basis for policy making, such as indicators of livestock meat production. The sample of this survey is a slaughterhouse for livestock.
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