Socialization of Regency Regulation 2021 Number 41 concerning One Data of Sidoarjo Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sidoarjo Regency

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Socialization of Regency Regulation 2021 Number 41 concerning One Data of Sidoarjo Regency

Socialization of Regency Regulation 2021 Number 41 concerning One Data of Sidoarjo Regency

January 19, 2022 | Other Activities

Wednesday, 19/01/2022 Socialization activities for Regent Regulation No. 41 of 2021 concerning One Sidoarjo Regency Data, located at the Bappeda Office, to be precise in the Delta Karya room.

The event was opened by representatives of the Regional Secretary and attended by competent resource persons in their fields, namely representatives from the Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda), representatives from the Central Statistics Agency Kab. Sidoarjo, as well as representatives of the Department of Communication and Information (Diskominfo) of East Java Province.

Representatives of Diskomifo of East Java Province in their presentation conveyed the 4 basic principles of SDI contained in the Governor's Regulation No. 81 concerning One Data for East Java Province, namely one data standard, one standard metadata, data interoperability, and reference code. Meanwhile, SDI organizers at the regional level consist of data supervisors (BPS), data trustees (Kominfo), data producers (OPD), and coordinators (Bappeda).

One of the supports provided by Diskominfo Prov. East Java for SDI is a data list consulting service and assistance in filling out the Sata Jati portal, where the same thing may be applied by the District Communication and Information Agency. Sidoarjo against similar applications.

Bappeda representative (Agus Suharto) said that the classic problem in providing data in Kab. Sidoarjo is about data quality, databases that are not yet integrated and integrated, managers who are not clear, and limited human resources for data management. In fact, these data are needed to support the preparation of various important policies in the District. Sidoarjo such as RKPD, RPJMN, RPJMD, and so on.

Bappeda Kab. Sidoarjo has prepared a roadmap for the implementation of SDI as a form of real support for the implementation of SDI in the district. Sidoarjo. The roadmap is expected to be able to realize the SDI program, because with accurate and quality data, more targeted development will occur.

Acting as a data builder, BPS Kab. Sidoarjo also provided the best support for the implementation of SDI, one of which was the planning of the SDI coaching pick-up program for OPD in Kab. Sidoarjo. This is in accordance with one of the roles of BPS in SDI, namely "guiding the implementation of One Indonesia Data in accordance with applicable regulations".

In detail, the role of BPS in SDI is to set data standards, determine the standard structure and standard format of metadata, re-examine priority data, provide recommendations in data collection, and foster the implementation of SDI in accordance with applicable regulations.

A further hope from the event which was attended by all representatives of OPD and sub-districts is the implementation of One Data for Sidoarjo Regency, so that the data produced by various parties can be more standardized, of high quality, and can be shared with those in need.

Photo and Narrative: Public Relations Central Bureau of Statistics Kab. Sidoarjo 2022
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