Ngulik 2.0: Umsida's Pojok Statistik with Mr. Victor, an Academic from Nigeria - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sidoarjo Regency

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Ngulik 2.0: Umsida's Pojok Statistik with Mr. Victor, an Academic from Nigeria

Ngulik 2.0: Umsida's Pojok Statistik with Mr. Victor, an Academic from Nigeria

July 9, 2024 | Other Activities

BPS-Statistics Sidoarjo Regency introduced an innovative statistics education movement through the Pojok Statistik program by launching Ngulik 2.0, titled "Life in Nigeria through Data Lens: Utilising Data to Uncover and Address Social Problems". This event took place on July 9, 2024, featuring Victor Emmanuel Bandawa, an assistant lecturer at Taraba University, Nigeria, as the keynote speaker. The event was moderated by Nofriana Florida DR from BPS.
Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo (Umsida) played an active role in this event. Nazwa Umbara, a student of Umsida, served as the host, while Dr. Suprianto, S.Si, M.Si, delivered the opening remarks. In his speech, Dr. Suprianto expressed his praise and full support for this activity. He emphasized the importance of such events in broadening students' horizons, providing a global perspective, and expanding their understanding of how to use data to address social problems.

"Programs like Ngulik 2.0 are very important for our students. They not only provide knowledge on how to use data but also teach how data can be a powerful tool for understanding and addressing complex social issues around the world," said Dr. Suprianto. He added that this activity is a golden opportunity for students to learn from an international perspective and develop their data analysis skills.

Victor Emmanuel Bandawa, the main speaker, shared his experiences and insights on life in Nigeria through the lens of data. He explained how data can be used to uncover and address various social issues in his country. His in-depth and data-driven explanations are expected to inspire students to see data as an essential tool in finding solutions to social challenges.

The event's moderator, Nofriana Florida DR from BPS, also provided interesting insights on the importance of data in policymaking and decision-making. She emphasized that a good understanding of data can open up great opportunities for students to contribute in various fields.

Through this activity, BPS Kabupaten Sidoarjo hopes to foster enthusiasm and motivation among students to delve deeper into the field of statistics and data. This is an opportunity for them to develop the skills that are highly needed in today's digital era. With the knowledge gained, students are expected to become agents of change capable of using data to solve social problems in their communities.

"A passion for learning and a desire to continuously improve are the keys to success. Let us seize every opportunity to learn and innovate, and see the world through data to create real solutions for society," concluded Dr. Suprianto in his remarks.

With high spirits and enthusiasm, BPS Kabupaten Sidoarjo and Umsida hope that this event will be the first step for many similar initiatives in the future, which will continue to provide great benefits for education and society at large.

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