National Labor Force Survey (SAKERNAS) August 2002 Enumerator Training - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sidoarjo Regency

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National Labor Force Survey (SAKERNAS) August 2002 Enumerator Training

National Labor Force Survey (SAKERNAS) August 2002 Enumerator Training

July 19, 2022 | BPS Activities

Training for Sakernas Enumerator August 2022 in Sidoarjo Regency was held on 19-20 July 2022. The training began with a report from the chief executive by Ir. Indriya Purwaningsih, M.T. as Head of BPS Sidoarjo Regency. Furthermore, the activity was opened directly by the Assistant for Government Administration and Welfare of Sidoarjo Regency, M. Ainur Rahman, AP, M.Sc. Also participating in the opening of the Head of the Manpower Office of Sidoarjo Regency, Fenny Apridawati, S.KM, M.Kes. One of the strategic indicators produced by Sakernas is the Open Unemployment Rate. In his remarks, the leaders agreed to collaborate in an effort to realize quality employment data. The officers are expected to carry out this mandate to the maximum extent possible in order to realize quality data. Timeliness of data collection and data quality is an absolute responsibility that must be carried out by officers. The hope is that with quality employment data, local governments are right in determining policies in the field of employment.
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